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Flooring with a Social Conscience

LeoLine Flooring with a Social Conscience

Through its partnership with Plastic Bank, LeoLine is making flooring with more heart.

LeoLine’s Comfytex Deluxe Pro is a cushion vinyl floor that’s fast and easy to install thanks to its premium textile backing, but did you know that this backing also has a social conscience?

Thanks to its partnership with Plastic Bank, LeoLine uses post-consumer ocean plastic reclaimed by communities across the world, including Indonesia, Philippines, Brazil, Thailand and Cameroon. Under the Plastic Bank initiative, communities gather unwanted plastic exchanging it against life improving benefits including health, work and life insurance, digital connectivity, grocery vouchers, school supplies and more. 

LeoLine then takes this Social Plastic, alongside other downcycled plastic, for use in its textile backing that not only makes Comfytex Deluxe Pro easy to install, but comfortable and quiet underfoot too. 

To date, Social Plastic has gathered 145,929,181kg of plastic waste and works with over 53,000 members in more than 600 communities. By using Social Plastic in its textile backed floors, LeoLine is stopping unwanted plastic entering the oceans and supporting sustainable economic growth.

Stuart Reeves, sales and marketing director at LeoLine, said: “Using Social Plastic in our textile-backed Comfytex Deluxe Pro collection is a great way for us to extend our positive social impact while also letting us meet our obligation to use materials more responsibly. As one of more than 500 businesses partnering with Plastic Bank, we’re making a valuable contribution to reducing plastic in our oceans while also supporting people in in vulnerable coastal communities around the world.”

Comfytex Deluxe Pro is one of LeoLine’s top performers and suitable for homes looking for a durable and easy-to-maintain cushion vinyl floor for their home. Available in stylish tile and wood designs, the collection cuts down on noise and comes with added slip resistance.

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